Ore washing machine

Washing machine equipment is a large and medium-sized machine washing equipment used for cleaning iron ore in the gray black and non-ferrous metallurgical industries, mining, steel, metallurgical industries, chemical plants, and decorative building materials. It is divided into two categories: spiral washing machine equipment and drum washing machine equipment.
The ore washing equipment is the entire process of removing clay based raw materials from iron ore; Washing equipment is widely used in the field of phosphate and copper ore washing and desliming. It is set before the operation of crushing, re separation, magnetic separation equipment, and flotation reagents to eliminate the harm and harm of mineral mud to this work, improve work efficiency, and obtain excellent separation index values.
The ore washing machine equipment is a large and medium-sized machine washing equipment used for cleaning iron ore and sandstone materials in gray black and non-ferrous metallurgical industries, mining, steel, metallurgical industries, chemical plants, and decorative building materials. The washing machine equipment has a great ability to solve work and is an ideal machine washing equipment for companies that have regulations on the cleanliness of iron ore and sandstone materials as the main production force. The ore washing equipment can prevent the sand in the raw materials of sand minerals from blocking, crushing, and screening equipment. If the raw materials contain soluble, effective, or hazardous ingredients, ore washing should also be carried out.
Jinqiang Mining Equipment specializes in producing ore washing equipment, ore washing equipment, and other mineral processing equipment. The prices of the produced ore washing equipment are reasonable, and the service of the washing equipment is complete. Welcome to purchase.
Trough type ore washing machine
Spiral washing machine
Cylindrical ore washing machine
Rotary Scrubber
Drum washing machine
Ore washing machine