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Titanium iron tailings mining process

update date:2023-07-16 02:47:24Number of views: author:锦强矿山机器

Titanium iron tailings mining process

Ferrotitanium tailing is a common mineral resource, which contains Ilmenite material that can be used to manufacture titanium alloys, so it has very important value in industrial production. However, the mining process of titanium iron tailings is relatively complex, requiring a series of technical means and equipment for mining and treatment. This article will introduce the specific steps and precautions of the titanium iron tailings mining process.

1、 Mining of titanium iron tailings

钛铁尾砂开采工艺1. Geological exploration

Before mining titanium iron tailings, geological exploration is required to determine the location and reserves of the mining area. Geological exploration can be carried out through geological exploration techniques and equipment, such as seismic exploration, electromagnetic exploration, gravity exploration, etc.

2. Blasting

After determining the mining area, blasting operations are required to excavate the titanium iron tailings from underground. Blasting requires the use of professional blasting techniques and equipment, such as drilling rigs, explosives, detonating tubes, etc.

3. Excavation

After blasting, it is necessary to use excavators and other equipment to excavate titanium iron tailings. When excavating, it is necessary to pay attention to the depth and angle of excavation to avoid damage to the mining area.

钛铁尾砂开采工艺 II. Treatment of titanium iron tailings

1. Grinding

After excavating the titanium iron tailings, grinding treatment is required to grind them into powder form. Grinding can be carried out using equipment such as ball mills.

2. Flotation

钛铁尾砂开采工艺 After grinding, the Ilmenite in the ilmenite tailing has been released, but flotation treatment is still needed to separate it from other impurities. Flotation can be carried out using equipment such as flotation machines.

3. Magnetic separation

After flotation treatment, there are still some impurities remaining in the titanium iron tailings. At this time, magnetic separation treatment is needed to separate them from the titanium iron tailings. Magnetic separation can be carried out using equipment such as magnetic separators.

4. Drying

After magnetic separation treatment, the titanium iron tailings have been basically separated, but drying treatment is still needed for subsequent processing and use. Drying can be carried out using equipment such as a dryer.

3、 Precautions

1. Safety first

During the mining and processing of titanium iron tailings, it is necessary to pay attention to safety issues, comply with relevant safety regulations and operating procedures, and ensure the personal safety of operators.

2. Equipment maintenance

The mining and processing of titanium iron tailings at the rate of 钛铁尾砂开采工艺 requires the use of a large amount of equipment, which requires regular maintenance and upkeep to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

3. Environmental awareness

During the mining and processing of titanium iron tailings, it is necessary to pay attention to environmental issues, comply with relevant environmental regulations and standards, and reduce environmental pollution.


The mining and treatment of titanium iron tailings is a complex process that requires the use of a series of technical means and equipment. When mining and processing titanium iron tailings, attention should be paid to safety issues, equipment maintenance, and environmental awareness to ensure the smooth progress of the operation.

Titanium iron tailings mining process
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