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Equipment for urban waste slag treatment plant

update date:2023-07-16 02:56:25Number of views: author:锦强机械

Equipment for urban waste slag treatment plant

With the acceleration of urbanization, the issue of urban waste treatment has increasingly become a focus of attention. As an important part of garbage treatment, the performance and quality of urban garbage slag treatment plant equipment directly affect the efficiency and environmental protection effect of garbage treatment. This article will provide a detailed introduction to the types, operating procedures, maintenance, and other aspects of equipment used in urban garbage and slag treatment plants, hoping to be helpful to readers.

1、 Equipment types of urban garbage and slag treatment plants

There are various types of equipment for urban waste slag treatment plants, which can be divided into incineration equipment, landfill equipment, composting equipment, etc. according to the treatment method. Among them, incineration equipment is currently the mainstream method of urban waste treatment, mainly including furnaces, flue gas purification equipment, waste heat recovery equipment, etc. Landfill equipment is used to bury garbage underground, requiring equipment such as garbage compressors, garbage conveyor belts, and enclosed equipment. Composting equipment, on the other hand, decomposes waste into organic matter and requires composting bins, ventilation equipment, and moisture regulation equipment.

2、 Operating steps for equipment in urban garbage and slag treatment plants

1. Garbage disposal: Firstly, dispose of the garbage into the furnace or landfill equipment through conveyor belts or garbage compressors.

城市垃圾炉渣处理厂设备2. Combustion treatment: In the furnace, garbage is burned to produce high-temperature and high-pressure flue gas, while also producing a large amount of ash and slag.

城市垃圾炉渣处理厂设备3. Flue gas purification: In flue gas purification equipment, the flue gas is purified, including dust removal, desulfurization, denitrification, etc.

4. Waste heat recovery: In waste heat recovery equipment, the heat energy in flue gas is recycled and utilized, including power generation, heating, etc.

5. Garbage landfill: In the landfill equipment, it is important to compact and seal the garbage to avoid secondary pollution.

6. Composting treatment: in the composting equipment, garbage is decomposed into organic matter to produce Organic fertilizer, which can be used for agricultural production.

3、 Maintenance and upkeep of equipment in urban garbage and slag treatment plants

The maintenance and upkeep of equipment in the 城市垃圾炉渣处理厂设备 urban waste slag treatment plant is the key to ensuring waste treatment efficiency and environmental protection effects. The specific maintenance measures are as follows:

1. Regular cleaning: For furnaces, landfill equipment, etc., regular cleaning is necessary to avoid accumulation and affect treatment efficiency.

2. Inspection and maintenance: For key components of the equipment, regular inspection and maintenance are required to ensure the normal operation of the equipment.

城市垃圾炉渣处理厂设备3. Replacement of accessories: For old equipment, it is necessary to replace the accessories in a timely manner to avoid malfunctions that may affect the processing effect.

4. Proper anti-corrosion treatment: For metal components of equipment, anti-corrosion treatment is necessary to avoid corrosion and affect their service life.

In short, the equipment of urban waste slag treatment plants is an important part of urban waste treatment, and its performance and quality directly affect the efficiency and environmental protection effect of waste treatment. Therefore, we need to strengthen the research and development, maintenance and upkeep of equipment for urban waste slag treatment plants to ensure the smooth progress of waste treatment work.

Equipment for urban waste slag treatment plant
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