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Recycling of Incineration slag

update date:2023-07-16 03:04:09Number of views: author:锦强矿业设备

Recycling of Incineration slag

Incineration slag refers to the solid waste generated in the process of Incineration, which is a complex material containing a large number of inorganic substances. In the traditional Incineration, these slags are often regarded as waste and directly buried or stacked, causing serious environmental pollution. However, after scientific treatment and utilization, these slag can be converted into useful resources, achieving resource recycling and environmental protection.

1、 Significance of recycling Incineration slag

Incineration slag is a complex material containing a lot of inorganic substances, which contains many useful elements and compounds, such as iron, aluminum, calcium, silicon, etc. These elements and compounds can be transformed into useful resources through scientific processing and utilization, achieving resource recycling and environmental protection.

The significance of recycling Incineration slag lies in:

1. Recycling of resources: through the recycling of Incineration slag, useful elements and compounds can be transformed into useful resources to achieve the recycling of resources.

2. Environmental protection: In traditional Incineration, slag is often regarded as waste and directly buried or stacked, which has caused serious environmental pollution. By recycling and utilizing slag, the amount of garbage landfilling and stacking can be reduced, thereby reducing environmental pollution.

2、 Operation steps of Incineration slag recycling

The operation steps of Incineration slag recycling mainly include the following aspects:

垃圾焚烧炉渣回收利用1. Collection and classification of slag: slag will be collected during Incineration. After collection, it is necessary to classify the slag and separate its recyclable and non recyclable substances.

2. Treatment and utilization of slag: For recyclable slag, scientific treatment and utilization are necessary. Common treatment and utilization methods include slag grinding, slag phosphorylation, slag hydration, etc.

3. Transportation and storage of slag: The treated and utilized slag needs to be transported and stored. During transportation and storage, it is necessary to pay attention to the stability and safety of the slag.

3、 Application fields of Incineration slag recycling

Incineration slag recycling is widely used, mainly including the following aspects:

1. Construction materials field: Slag can be used as raw materials for construction materials, such as cement, bricks, road materials, etc.

2. Agriculture: Slag can be used as a soil conditioner to improve soil fertility and water retention.

垃圾焚烧炉渣回收利用3. Industrial field: Furnace slag can be used as industrial raw materials, such as metallurgy, glass, ceramics, and other fields.

垃圾焚烧炉渣回收利用4. Environmental protection field: Furnace slag can be used as environmental protection materials, such as anti-seepage materials, adsorbents, etc.

4、 Conclusion

Recycling of Incineration slag is an important environmental protection work, which can realize the recycling of resources and environmental protection. Through scientific treatment and utilization, Incineration slag can be transformed into useful resources, and its application fields are very wide. We should strengthen the research and promotion of Incineration slag recycling, and make positive contributions to building a beautiful China.

垃圾焚烧炉渣回收利用 Recycling of Incineration slag
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