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Treatment method of domestic Incineration slag

update date:2023-07-16 03:05:07Number of views: author:锦强矿机

Treatment method of domestic Incineration slag

With the acceleration of urbanization, the amount of household waste is also constantly increasing. In order to solve the problem of household waste, many cities have adopted incineration for treatment. However, burning household waste generates a large amount of slag, which, if not properly treated, can cause environmental pollution. So, how to deal with the slag of domestic Incineration? This article will introduce you to several common processing methods.

生活垃圾焚烧炉渣处理方法 1. Landfill treatment method

The landfill treatment method involves burying the slag in a designated site, mixing it with the soil, and ultimately achieving stabilization. The advantages of this method are low cost and simple operation, but the disadvantages are also obvious. Once the landfill site is saturated, a new site is needed, and the landfill slag still has environmental pollution in the long-term natural environment.

2、 Cement solidification treatment method

The 生活垃圾焚烧炉渣处理方法 cement solidification treatment method is to mix slag with cement to form a cement slag solidification body, in order to achieve stability. The advantage of this method is that it has good stability, is not easily affected by the external environment, and can also reuse the slag. However, this method has high requirements for the quality of cement, complex operation, and high cost.

3、 Resource utilization method

The resource utilization method is to classify the slag and then carry out resource utilization. For example, metal slag can be recycled and reused, organic slag can be composted, and glass slag can be recycled and reused. The advantage of this method is that it can minimize environmental pollution and also achieve the reuse of slag. However, this method requires high technical requirements and costs for classification and recycling.

生活垃圾焚烧炉渣处理方法 To sum up, the treatment methods of domestic Incineration slag include landfill treatment, cement solidification treatment and resource utilization treatment. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, and should be selected based on the actual situation. At the same time, we should also strengthen the classification and treatment of household waste, reduce environmental pollution, and achieve the maximum utilization of resources.

Treatment method of domestic Incineration slag
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