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Disposal of slag from incineration power plants

update date:2023-07-16 03:07:45Number of views: author:锦强有色矿业设备

Disposal of slag from incineration power plants

With the development of the global economy and population growth, energy demand is also constantly increasing. To meet this demand, incineration power plants have become an important energy production method. However, the disposal of slag generated during the production process of incineration power plants has become an urgent problem to be solved. This article will introduce the relevant knowledge and operational steps of slag treatment in incineration power plants, to help readers better understand and solve this problem.

1、 Definition and characteristics of slag

焚烧发电厂炉渣处理 slag refers to the solid waste generated during the combustion process of an incineration power plant, which is formed by the melting of inorganic substances in the fuel at high temperatures. The characteristic of slag is that it has properties such as high temperature, high hardness, high brittleness, and high toughness. At the same time, it also contains a large amount of heavy metal elements and organic substances, which pose certain hazards to the environment and human health.

2、 Method of slag treatment

1. Stacking method

The stacking method is the most common method of slag treatment, which involves transporting the slag to a designated stacking site and stacking it according to certain specifications and requirements. The advantages of this method are simplicity and low cost, but the disadvantage is that it occupies a large area and is prone to environmental pollution.

焚烧发电厂炉渣处理2. Curing method

The solidification method is to mix slag with an appropriate amount of solidification agent to form solid blocks, in order to achieve stability and reduce harm. The advantage of this method is that it can effectively reduce the harm of slag to the environment, but the disadvantage is that the cost of curing agent is high, and the solidified slag is difficult to reuse.

3. Remelting method

The remelting method is to reheat the slag to a high temperature, causing it to remelt, and then perform separation, filtration, and other treatments to reduce harm and reuse. The advantage of this method is that it can achieve maximum utilization of slag, but the disadvantage is high equipment cost, high energy consumption, and high operational difficulty.

3、 Precautions for slag treatment

1. Classification of slag

Before carrying out slag treatment, it is necessary to classify the slag in order to select the appropriate treatment method. The classification of slag mainly includes calcium slag, silicon slag, aluminum slag, etc.

2. Transportation and storage of slag

Corresponding measures need to be taken for the transportation and storage of slag to ensure that it does not cause pollution to the environment. Suitable transportation tools should be selected during transportation, and suitable sites and containers should be selected for storage.

3. Treatment effect of slag

After slag treatment, corresponding testing and evaluation should be carried out to ensure that the treatment effect meets relevant standards and requirements.

4、 Conclusion

Slag treatment is an inevitable issue in the production process of incineration power plants, but through appropriate treatment methods and precautions, it can effectively reduce the harm of slag to the environment and human health, and achieve maximum utilization of slag. Therefore, in the production process of incineration power plants, high attention should be paid to the issue of slag treatment, and practical and feasible measures should be taken to ensure the environmental protection and sustainable development of the production process.

Disposal of slag from incineration power plants
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