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Technological process of selecting sand zirconium ore

update date:2023-07-16 03:09:17Number of views: author:锦强矿业装备

Technological process of selecting sand zirconium ore

Sand zirconium ore is an important metal ore widely used in aviation, aerospace, electronics, metallurgy and other fields. In the mining process of sand zirconium ore, the beneficiation process is a very important link, which directly affects the grade and recovery rate of the ore. This article will introduce a commonly used sand zirconium ore selection process, hoping to be helpful for mining production.

1、 Ore properties

The main components of sand zircon ore are Zirconium dioxide dioxide (ZrO2) and silicon dioxide (SiO2), and the common impurities are iron oxide, titanium oxide, aluminum oxide, etc. The beneficiation process may vary depending on the nature of the ore.

2、 Beneficiation process

选沙锆矿工艺流程1. Rough selection

Firstly, the raw ore is subjected to crushing, screening and other processes to separate the coarse ore. During the rough selection process, methods such as gravity separation and flotation can be used to remove impurities and low-grade minerals from the ore and improve the grade.

2. Successful selection

The intermediate selection of the roughened ore is mainly achieved through methods such as gravity separation and flotation to further improve the grade. In the intermediate selection process, reasonable adjustments need to be made based on the ore properties to achieve the best beneficiation effect.

3. Selection

After rough selection and intermediate selection, the ore grade has been greatly improved, but still needs to be carefully selected. In the selection process, impurities and low-grade minerals in the ore are further removed through methods such as flotation, gravity separation, and magnetic separation to improve grade and recovery.

4. Tailings treatment

During the beneficiation process, a certain amount of tailings will be generated. In order to reduce the impact on the environment, tailings need to be treated. Tailings treatment mainly involves the further recovery of useful minerals from tailings through methods such as flotation and gravity separation, while removing impurities and low-grade minerals.

3、 Precautions

1. Design a reasonable beneficiation process based on the properties of the ore to avoid wasting resources and energy.

During the beneficiation process, laboratory testing is required to determine the optimal beneficiation process flow.

3. During the beneficiation process, it is necessary to pay attention to environmental protection and reduce its impact on the environment.

4. The selection and use of beneficiation equipment are also very important, and reasonable selection and use need to be made according to the requirements of beneficiation technology.

In summary, the sand zirconium ore selection process is a complex process that requires reasonable design and adjustment based on the ore properties. In the beneficiation process, it is necessary to pay attention to environmental protection and resource conservation, and select appropriate beneficiation equipment and process flow in order to achieve the best beneficiation effect.

选沙锆矿工艺流程 Technological process of selecting sand zirconium ore
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