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How to deal with slag of Incineration furnace

update date:2023-07-16 03:10:14Number of views: author:锦强矿山机械

How to deal with slag of Incineration furnace

Incineration is a kind of equipment for treating urban garbage. It can burn garbage into ashes, reduce the volume and weight of garbage, and generate energy at the same time. However, burning garbage can generate a large amount of slag, which, if left untreated, can cause serious environmental pollution. This article will introduce the treatment method of Incineration furnace slag.

1、 Composition of slag

Slag refers to the solid waste generated in Incineration, with complex composition, including inorganic and organic substances. Inorganic substances mainly include metal oxides, silicates, and glass, while organic substances mainly include tar and smoke. Due to the complex composition of slag, the treatment methods are also quite diverse.

垃圾焚烧炉炉渣怎么处理 II. Treatment method of slag

1. Landfill method

Landfill is a treatment method that buries Incineration furnace slag underground. The advantage of this method is that it can save space, but the disadvantage is that it can cause pollution to the environment. The landfill slag needs to be solidified to become solid blocks for storage and transportation.

2. Phosphate curing method

Phosphate solidification method is a treatment method that converts harmful substances in slag into harmless substances. The advantage of this method is that it can reduce the volume of slag, but the disadvantage is that it requires the addition of chemical agents and has a higher cost. The operating steps of the phosphate curing method are as follows:

垃圾焚烧炉炉渣怎么处理 (1) Mix the slag and phosphate, and add them to water in a certain proportion.

垃圾焚烧炉炉渣怎么处理 (2) Stir evenly to allow the phosphate to fully react with the slag.

(3) Cure the reacted mixture to form a solid block.

3. Cement solidification method

Cement solidification method is a treatment method that mixes slag with cement to form solid blocks. The advantages of this method are low cost and simple operation, while the disadvantage is that it has certain requirements for the composition of the slag. The operating steps of the cement solidification method are as follows:

(1) Mix the slag and cement in a certain proportion.

(2) Add an appropriate amount of water and stir evenly.

(3) Cure the mixture to form a solid block.

3、 Summary

There are many treatment methods for Incineration furnace slag, and the choice of which method needs to be determined according to the actual situation. Regardless of the method used, attention should be paid to environmental protection and safety. During the slag treatment process, the discharge of pollutants should be strictly controlled to avoid any impact on the environment.

垃圾焚烧炉炉渣怎么处理 How to deal with slag of Incineration furnace
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