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Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation 1. Overview. Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation gravity beneficiation spiral chute summarizes the characteristics of spiral beneficiation machines, spiral beneficiation machines, shakers, and centrifugal beneficiation machines. After being evaluated by relevant scientific research, design, universities, and beneficiation plants organized by the Ministry of Metallurgy, it is recognized that this type of machine has superior performance, advanced beneficiation indicators, and has been awarded the Science and Technology Research Achievement Award by the Ministry of Metallurgical Industry. It has already been used in non-ferrous metals Black mining metals are widely used. This machine is suitable for separating fine materials with Granularity of 0.3-0.02mm to obtain iron, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, pyrite, zircon sand, Rutile, monazite, phosphate rock, tungsten ore, placer tin ore, tantalum niobium ore, niobium ore and other non-ferrous metals, rare mineral metals and nonferrous metal mineral bodies with different specific gravity. Spiral chute of mixing drum. 2、 The spiral chute shall be set up by means of method, the vertical line shall be calibrated, the iron frame or wood shall be used to stabilize at the appropriate position, the sand ore shall be transported to the two ore feeding ports on the spiral roof by the slurry pump, the water shall be added, the concentration of mineral slurry shall be adjusted, the slurry shall naturally rotate from high to low, and a single coherent centrifugal force shall be generated in the rotating slope flow speed, and the difference in density, specific gravity, Granularity and morphology of the sand ore shall be obtained, Through the gravity and centrifugal force of the swirling flow, the sand and ore are separated. The selected ore is discharged into the concentrate hopper and connected out through pipelines. The tailings flow into the tailings hopper and are transported to the sand pit through pipelines. Then, they are discharged by a mortar pump, completing the entire beneficiation process. Fiberglass spiral chute beneficiation III. Featured spiral chute production video. Fiberglass spiral chute beneficiation equipment is suitable for separating iron, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, ferrosulfide, zircon, Rutile, monazite, phosphate rock, tungsten ore sand, tin, tantalum niobium ore, tantalum niobium ore or other non-ferrous metal ores, rare ore metals and non-metallic minerals with gravity difference. This machine also has advantages such as stable selection process, easy operation, wide range of allowable changes in feed density, high enrichment, high recovery rate, small footprint, low water consumption, simple structure, no need for power, large processing capacity, easy installation, easy operation, low investment, and quick effectiveness. Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation
4. Structural composition. The fiberglass spiral chute for mineral processing is composed of six parts: a feeding homogenizer, a feeding chute, a spiral chute, an equipment selection groove, a product gathering hopper, and a groove bracket (including a cross or triangular frame). The rotating groove connected by spiral blades is a key component. The rotating plate is made of fiberglass (fiber reinforced coal gangue), connected together by screws, and the spiral groove has a pre made wear-resistant layer on the selected surface. She has the advantages of being lightweight, sturdy, and durable consumables that are not easily damaged. Above the rotating groove, there is a multi tube feeding homogenizer for ore separation, which is simple and convenient to control. The sieving mineral containers are freely stacked on the cross (or tripod) of the support table. The evenly distributed mortar is slowly fed onto the surface of the rotating groove through the feeding groove installed at the head of the spiral groove, and sorting is carried out. The tail end of the spiral groove is equipped with a valve block type new equipment to obtain the groove. The selected new products are divided into three categories (or four types) according to grade along the radial direction. Change the cutting width of each new equipment by adjusting the orientation of the valve block. The new product gathering bucket is a concentric circular tube that allows the selected multiple ore streams to converge and lead out separately. The slope change of the cross-section and curve of the spiral concentrator is very suitable for the separation of fine particle materials. Feldspar spiral chute gravity separation. V. This product is suitable for separating small materials with Granularity of 0.3-0.02MM to obtain iron ore, Ilmenite, Chromite, pyrite, zircon, Rutile, monazite, phosphorus, tungsten sand, placer tin, tantalum niobium ore, tantalum niobium ore and other nonferrous metals, rare mineral metals and nonferrous metal mineral bodies with gravity differences. Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation
Glass fiber reinforced plastic spiral chute beneficiation