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update date:2023-07-16 03:15:32Number of views: author:huang
What are the characteristics of spiral chutes? Firstly, describe that a spiral concentrator combines the characteristics of spiral chutes, spiral chutes, shakers, and centrifugal gold concentrators. After being evaluated by relevant scientific research, design, schools, or concentrators organized by the Ministry of Metallurgy, it is believed that this type of mechanical performance is excellent, the sorting index is advanced, and it has won the Science and Technology Research Achievement Award of the Ministry of Metallurgy Industry. It has been widely used in non-ferrous and black mining metals. This equipment is suitable for sorting iron ore, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, pyrite, zircon, Rutile ore, monazite ore, phosphate ore, wolframite, tin, tantalum niobium ore, tantalum niobium ore or other non-ferrous metal ores, rare mineral metals and non-metallic mineral bodies with density and specific gravity difference of fine materials with a Granularity of 0.3-0.02 mm. 2、 The principle of operation is that the slurry is slowly fed to the rotating groove surface through the feeding chute at the end of the spiral groove head, and sorting is carried out. The tail of the spiral groove is equipped with a valve type product acquisition groove, allowing other equipment to be classified into three categories according to grade along the radial direction. By adjusting the orientation of the valve block to change the selection width of each product, the equipment gathering bucket will densely extract the intercepted multi-directional mineral flow. The cross section of the spiral concentrator and the slope change of the curve are extremely suitable for the selection of fine materials. What are the characteristics of the spiral chute? 3. Advantages: 1. Stable, easy to operate, and with a large density range. 2. Large material processing output, high enrichment ratio, and high recycling probability. 3. Small footprint, low water consumption, simple construction, and no need for power. 4. Easy installation, easy operation, minimal investment, and fast returns. What are the characteristics of spiral chutes. (2) Sand ore chute, processing 2-3 millimeter sized ore. (3) Slime spiral chute, feeding Granularity<0.074MM. 5、 Scope of application: FRP spiral chute is suitable for separating fine grained iron ore, ferrotitanium ore, chromite ore, pyrite, cassiterite, tantalum niobium ore, gold ore, coal, monazite ore, Rutile ore, zircon sand, rare earth ore and other metal and non-metallic mineral materials with sufficient specific gravity difference. What are the characteristics of spiral chutes
What are the characteristics of spiral chutes