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update date:2023-07-16 03:13:35Number of views: author:huang
Is the spiral chute useful? 1. Product overview. A gravity beneficiation machine that utilizes the continuous centrifugal force that occurs during the spiral rotation movement of mineral pulp to separate lightweight and heavy minerals. Is the spiral chute useful? Secondly, the principle of operation is that a uniform mortar is installed at the head of the spiral chute, and the feeding chute is slowly fed onto the rotating groove surface for selection. The tail of the spiral groove is equipped with a valve type product acquisition groove, which divides the sorting equipment into three categories according to grade along the radial direction. By adjusting the orientation of the valve block to change the cutting width of each equipment, the product gathering hopper enables the selected multi head ore flow to be densely led out. The transverse section of the fiberglass chute has a change in the slope of the curve, which is particularly suitable for the selection of fine-grained materials. Is the spiral chute of useful? Thirdly, its advantages or characteristics. Is the spiral chute useful? 1. It has high efficiency, high recycling rate, and correct mineral sorting; 2. No power required; 3. Lightweight, rust resistant, durable, wear resistant, and corrosion-resistant; 4. Low cost and long service life; 5. It is applicable to the fluctuation of feed volume, density, Granularity and grade; The friction force on the surface of 6 diamond sand makes the beneficiation efficiency better than other plastic surfaces. Is the spiral chute useful?
. Are spiral chutes useful? 4. The chutes can be divided into three types according to the Granularity of the processed ore materials: (1) coarse particle spiral chutes. The maximum particle size of the feed is more than 2-3mm, and the maximum can be 100-200mm. (2) Sand ore chute, processing 2-3 mm Granularity mineral aggregate. (3) Slime spiral chute, feeding Granularity<0.074MM. 5、 Apply polyurethane spiral chute assembly. This machine is suitable for separating iron ore, ilmenite, Chromite, pyrite, zircon sand, Rutile ore, monazite ore, phosphate ore, tungsten ore sand, tin ore, tantalum niobium ore, niobium ore and other nonferrous metal ore, rare metal and non-metallic ore bodies with specific gravity difference from 0.3-0.02mm fine materials. Does the spiral chute work?
Does the spiral chute work