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update date:2023-07-16 03:14:54Number of views: author:huang
The difference between spiral chutes and flotation machines is as follows: 1. Introduction: Spiral chutes combine the characteristics of spiral concentrators, gravity concentrator spiral chutes, shakers, and centrifugal concentrators. After being organized by the Ministry of Metallurgy for relevant scientific research, design, operation and appraisal by universities and this beneficiation enterprise, they have been recognized as having excellent performance, advanced sorting objectives, and have been awarded the Science and Technology Research Achievement Award by the Ministry of Metallurgy Industry. They have now been awarded the Nonferrous Metals Ferrous mines are widely used. This machine is suitable for separating iron ore, ilmenite, ferrochrome, pyrite, zircon, Rutile, monazite, phosphate, tungsten, tin placer, tantalite, niobium ore and other nonferrous metals, rare mineral metals and nonferrous metal minerals with gravity difference from small materials with Granularity of 0.3-0.02 mm. 2、 The working principle of the spiral mineral separator is that the mineral separator is freely placed on the cross (or tripod) of the support table. The same mortar is slowly fed onto the spiral groove surface through a feeding chute installed on the rotating groove head for sorting. A valve type equipment is installed at the tail to obtain a slot, allowing the sorted products to be divided into three (or four) categories according to grade along the radial direction. Change the selection width of each device by adjusting the position of the valve block. The product gathering bucket is a concentric circular tube that distinguishes and converges the intercepted multi-directional mineral flow. The transverse surface of the fiberglass chute and the slope change of the curve are very suitable for selecting fine-grained materials. The difference between spiral chute and flotation machine 3. The characteristic spiral concentrator is particularly concerned in the unusual multi gravity separation equipment because of its low power consumption, simple structure, small floor area, simple operation, stable beneficiation, clear mineral separation, no moving parts, convenient Computerized maintenance management system, large single area processing output, etc. The machinery has a wide and relatively flat groove surface, and the mineral mortar flows in a large area in a laminar flow, making it more suitable for handling medium to fine (-4mm) particle sized ores. We have produced fiberglass chutes with diameters of 400, 600, 900, and 1200MM in China, Ф The processing output of 1200mm four heads is about 4-6 tons per hour. The difference between a spiral chute and a flotation machine is that it consists of six parts: a feed homogenizer, a feed chute, a spiral groove, an equipment cutting groove, a product gathering hopper, and a groove support (including a cross or triangular frame). The rotating groove connected by spiral blades is a key component. The rotating plate is made of fiberglass (fiberglass reinforced coal gangue) and connected together by bolts. The spiral groove has a pre made wear-resistant layer on the selected surface. She has the advantages of light weight, strength, durability, and the use of consumables. Above the rotating groove is a multi tube ore feeding homogenizer, which distributes ore evenly and has simple control. The mineral separator is not limited to being placed on a cross (or tripod) on a support table. The uniform slurry is slowly fed to the surface of the rotating groove through the feeding groove installed on the spiral groove head, and sorting is carried out. The tail of the spiral groove is installed in the valve type new product acquisition groove, and the selected new products are divided into three types (or four categories) of new equipment along the radial direction according to grade. Change the selection width of each new product by adjusting the orientation of the valve block. The new product gathering bucket is a concentric circular tube that allows the diverse mineral flows obtained to converge and export differently. The cross section of the spiral chute and the different slopes of the curve are particularly suitable for the separation of fine particle materials. 5、 This machine is suitable for separating iron, ferrotitanium, ferrochrome, ferrosulfide, zircon, Rutile, monazite, phosphate ore, tungsten ore, placer tin ore, tantalum niobium ore, tantalum niobium ore and other non-ferrous metals, rare ore metals and non-metallic ore bodies with gravity difference from 0.3-0.02mm fine materials. Differences between Spiral Chutes and Flotation Machines
Differences between Spiral Chutes and Flotation Machines