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update date:2023-07-16 03:16:33Number of views: author:huang
Long stone spiral chute re selection 1. Description: The spiral chute is a combination of gravity beneficiation spiral chute, fiberglass spiral chute, shaking table, and centrifugal gravity beneficiation machine. After relevant scientific research organized by the Ministry of Metallurgy, appraisal and approval by departments such as design, school, and mining plant, it is recognized that this equipment has excellent performance, progress in sorting indicators, and has been awarded the Science and Technology Research Achievement Award by the Ministry of Metallurgy Industry. It is now in the field of non-ferrous metals There are many applications in Ferrous mines. This machine is suitable for sorting iron ore, ferrotitanium ore, chromite ore, pyrite ore, zircon, Rutile, monazite, phosphate ore, tungsten ore, tin, tantalum ore, niobium ore with a particle size of 0.3-0.02 mm and other non-ferrous metal ores, rare ore metals or non-metallic ore bodies with specific gravity differences. 2、 Apply skills to make the FRP chute stand up, calibrate the vertical line, fix the iron frame or wood at the appropriate position, and let the sand ore be sent to the two ore inlets on the spiral top by the mortar pump. Add make-up water to mobilize the density of the mineral slurry. The mineral slurry naturally swirls from top to bottom. There is a coherent centrifugal force in the rotating slope flow speed, which is different in density, specific gravity, Granularity and shape of the mineral sand, After the gravity and centrifugal force of the swirling flow, the ore and sand are separated, and the selected ore enters the concentrate hopper and is piped out. The tailings flow into the tailings hopper and are piped to the sand pit, and then discharged by a sand pump, completing the entire beneficiation process. Long stone spiral chute gravity separation III. Advantages and characteristics: 1. High efficiency, high recovery rate, and correct mineral separation; 2. No power required; 3. Small weight, rust proof, wear-resistant, and not easily corroded; 4. Low operating cost and long service life; 5. It is applicable to the fluctuation of feed volume, density, Granularity and grade; The friction formed by the surface of 6 diamond sand makes the beneficiation efficiency better than that of other plastic surfaces. The fiberglass spiral chute consists of a feeding equalizer, a cross (tripod), a feeding trough, a rotating trough, a selection trough, a gathering hopper, and a trough support. 5、 The spiral concentrator is suitable for separating fine grained iron ore, Ilmenite, Chromite, pyrite, cassiterite, tantalum niobium ore, placer gold ore, coal, monazite ore, Rutile ore, zircon sand, rare earth ore and other metal and non-metallic mineral materials with sufficient density ratio difference. Long stone spiral chute re selection
Long stone spiral chute re selection