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update date:2023-07-16 03:16:42Number of views: author:huang
What is the use of spiral chutes? 1. Gravity beneficiation is widely used in the beneficiation of metallic and non-metallic minerals due to its low pollution and cost. The spiral concentrator is one of the gravity separation machines, with a structural feature that the cross-section presents a cubic parabolic shape, suitable for processing finer particle sizes of -0.2mm. In the sorting process, there is no need to add flushing water, and the fine, medium, and tailings are segmented at the tail end of the tank. 2、 Operating principle: The spiral chute concentrator does not need to be restricted from being placed on the cross (or tripod) on the support table. The same mineral mortar is slowly fed onto the surface of the rotating groove through the feeding chute at the end of the installation spiral groove head, and selected for operation. The bottom is equipped with a valve block type equipment to obtain slots, allowing the sorted products to be divided into three (or four) types according to grade along the radial direction. Change the selection width of each device by adjusting the position of the valve block. The product gathering bucket is a concentric circular tube that collects and leads the intercepted multi head ore flow separately. The cross-section of the fiberglass chute and the change in slope of the curve are very suitable for the sorting of fine-grained materials. What is the purpose of spiral chute? 3. Characteristics and advantages. 2. Fine granulation is used for the treatment of fine and small particle grade mineral materials, especially for minerals with a particle size of -0.047mm. The original machinery can generally ensure the recovery of+0.047mm particle size. 3. With the development of Hydraulics, two-phase flow, machine vibration, etc., GRP spiral chutes have developed from simple use of gravity and water blocking force to the level of composite use of centrifugal force, equipment vibration force, magnetic separation force, etc. Through the composite force field, the enrichment of useful mineral materials and the separation of fine particles from these fine particles are increased, thereby improving the mineral recovery rate. 4. The basic starting point is to save energy, reduce energy consumption and protect the environment. The land area and space occupied should be small, and the water consumption and power consumption should be small. 5. Convenient and flexible operation, stable selection process, simple structure, and easy maintenance management. What is the use of a spiral chute? It consists of six parts: a feeding distributor, a feeding chute, a spiral groove, an equipment cutting groove, a product gathering hopper, and a bracket (including a cross or triangular frame). The rotating groove connected by spiral blades is a key component. The rotating plate is made of fiberglass (fiber reinforced coal gangue) and connected together by bolts. The spiral groove has a pre made wear-resistant layer on the selected surface. He also has the advantage of lightweight, sturdy, and long-lasting consumables. The rotary groove is equipped with a multi tube ore feeding homogenizer to screen minerals, which is easy to control. The mineral separator does not need to be placed on a cross (or tripod) on a support table. The mineral mortar with an average score is slowly fed onto the surface of the rotating groove through a feeding chute installed at the head of the spiral groove for sorting. The bottom of the spiral groove is installed in a valve block type new product cutting groove, and the selected new equipment will be divided into three (or four) types of new products along the radial direction according to grade. Change the selection width of each new product by adjusting the orientation of the valve block. The new equipment gathering bucket is a concentric circular tube that allows the obtained multi-directional mineral flow to be differentiated, gathered, and led out. The transverse plane of the spiral chute and the slope change of the curve are extremely suitable for the sorting of fine-grained materials. 5、 The use of fiberglass chutes in the field is suitable for processing 0.6-0.03MM and vein ores as well as minerals, but it is unfavorable for sorting when the mud content is high. It is now widely used for processing iron ore, tungsten, sand tin, tantalum niobium ore, bay and riverbed ore sand or placer gold, and so on. What is the use of spiral chutes? @ @ 000 What is the use of spiral chutes